A wonderful concert of German music Symphony concert conducted by Matthias Manasi (English Translation) – Matthias Manasi | Conductor

A wonderful concert of German music Symphony concert conducted by Matthias Manasi (English Translation)

Aug 6, 2021

“The program of the final concert of the cycle, “The Music of the Nations,” was dedicated to Germany. The concert series which was organized by the state government confirmed the interest of the countries that wanted to take part in this cycle.
The evening was opened with a welcome address by the German Consul, Mrs. Caterina Calla, to the audience followed by an address by the Member of the Parliament of the Italian Republic, Mr. Francesco Paolo Sisto, who emphasized the importance of the event, which was a sign of the revival of the cultural potential of the cities from which the Orchestra Sinfonica della Provincia di Bari is one of the most important representatives .
The compilation of a program with German symphonic music may seem simple, but in reality the wide range of choice is rather difficult and required a strong intuition.
As a tribute to Wagner and his fascinating personality, the concert opened with the rapt serenity of the Siegfried – Idyll which was then followed by Robert Schumann’s 2nd Symphony and the Concerto for Cello and Orchestra.
Both of these symphonic works are rarely performed in concert. The stars of the evening were understandably of German origin: namely the conductor Matthias Manasi and cellist Alexander Hülshoff, both of whom are characterized by brisk and intense international careers. These two artists approached the excellent Orchestra of Bari with a special relationship and extraordinary ease that resulted in an impressive line.
Manasi gave the delicate work of Wagner a special artistic touch of intimate intensity defined by nuances of great sensitivity and a suggestive transparency in the strings. Followed by the 2nd Symphony, Manasi was convincing with his clever and thoughtful musical concept which underlined eloquently the spirit and essence of this “most personal” work of the composer. He achieved this by interpreting beautifully the musical phrases, the rhythmic finesse and subtleties of the orchestral score. A fascinating and visionary interpretation with a fine and special eye for details, thanks to the genuine commitment on the part of the orchestra.
The Cello Concerto was stimulating, almost like a “new creation.” The freedom and imagination of this score, called, “one of the most beautiful works that is out there to listen to,” which was rescued from oblivion by the great Casals, thanks to the merit of this work, includes the almost desperate excitement of the first movement, the dazzling lyricism of the second movement and the playful virtuosity of the third movement. The concerto found in Hülshoff a sincere performer of heartfelt communication, depth of intensity and sounds full of lyricism. The orchestra masterfully overcame technical challenges and the playing of expressive details were exemplary and spotless. It was followed by an encore with a piece by Bach. The concert was an overwhelming success. ”
(Nicola Sbisà, La Gazetta del Mezzogiorno, 9 December 2013)

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